101 Simple Tips for How to Practice Self-Love

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February 14th is a day reserved for love. Couples everywhere use this day to buy each other gifts and express their love for each other in the most romantic ways possible. All over social media, we will read long posts, see date night pictures, and gush over flowers, candy, stuffed animals, and other trinkets of love. Now, don’t get me wrong, these things are nice. And, I’ll for sure be looking for my share of flowers, balloons, and candy, but I also want to pose a challenge to you this Valentine’s Day. I want to talk about how to practice self-love.

how to practice self-love.

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As women, we get super wrapped up in finding the perfect gift for our significant others, kids, and maybe even our friends. And if that makes you happy, please continue doing it. But, I also want to challenge you to show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day.

As the poster child for self-care, I’ve made it my personal mission to encourage, promote, and normalize putting yourself first. We have to ignore the voices that tell us that self-care is selfish. If you truly love yourself, then you know that caring for yourself is essential for your overall well-being and the well-being of those people around you.

Heavy on the self-love

What is self-love?

Self-love means cultivating a positive relationship with yourself. It’s fostering appreciation for who you are, and recognizing your worthiness of love. In our daily lives, the concept of self-love manifests through various practices that promote emotional well-being, spiritual growth, and the development of healthy boundaries. 

Why is self-love important?

Self-love means being kind to yourself. It includes being grateful for who you are and being you unapologetically. Even though self-love is a tad bit different from self-care, the two essentially go hand-in-hand. With people being so quick to pass judgment and openly express their opinions of you, self-love is important. To keep from letting what others think of you cloud your opinion of yourself, you have to love yourself! You have to be your own fan. This does not happen without intentionally adopting self-love habits regularly.

woman hugging herself in self-love.

How can I love myself more?

Being kind to yourself it’s not incredibly difficult. Speaking to and about yourself using kind words and affirmations is one way to practice self-love. My best suggestion for practicing self-love is being yourself and being proud to be who you are.

Here are some other things that you can do right now to practice self-love:

  • Use Positive Affirmations and Mantras
    • Combat negative self-talk with daily positive affirmations. A simple mantra can shift your mindset and promote a more positive way of thinking.
  • Set Healthy Boundaries:
    • Setting boundaries is an integral part of self-love. Learn to prioritize your needs, fostering healthy relationships and preventing the impact of toxic individuals on your well-being.
  • Write in a Gratitude Journal
    • Keep a gratitude journal to focus on the good things in your life. Writing love letters to yourself is an act of self-love that reinforces your own value and worthiness of love.
  • Incorporate Mindfulness Practices
    • Embrace mindfulness practices to stay present in the moment and break free from automatic behavior patterns. Dr. Kristin Neff’s concept of self-compassion can be a powerful tool for emotional well-being.
  • Use Positive Self-Talk and Challenge Your Inner Critic
    • Challenge your inner critic by engaging in positive self-talk. Take note of your accomplishments and recognize the progress you’ve made.
  • Create Self-Care Rituals
    • Practice good self-care by taking care of your basic needs. From a relaxing bath to regular exercise, nurturing your physical and emotional health is an important step towards self-love.
  • Explore New Things and Trying Different Activities
    • Step out of your comfort zone by trying new things. Engaging in different activities not only brings excitement but also contributes to personal growth.
  • Taking Time for Yourself:
    • Dedicate time for yourself regularly. Whether it’s enjoying a good book, listening to your favorite songs, or indulging in a favorite hobby, these little things can have a positive effect on your overall well-being.

These are just a few ways to help you learn to show yourself love more often.  Just as you put energy into showing others that you love them, you need to put some of that energy into loving yourself. 

woman loving in the mirror showing herself love.

What are some other ways to practice self-love?

  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Acknowledge and challenge negative thoughts as they arise. Replace them with positive affirmations that reflect your self-worth.
  • Set Boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries in daily life to protect your well-being. Learn to say no when necessary and prioritize your needs.
  • Practice Self-Love Daily: Incorporate self-love practices into your routine. Take a moment each day to express self-love through positive actions or affirmations.
  • Write a Love Letter to Yourself: Craft a love letter acknowledging your strengths and accomplishments. Celebrate your achievements and express self-appreciation.
  • Appreciate in Different Ways: Cultivate a state of appreciation in different ways—through gratitude journaling, mindfulness, or simply taking time to reflect on positive aspects of your life.
  • Recognize Your Worthiness: Understand that you are worthy of love and positive experiences. Challenge self-doubt and embrace the fact that you deserve happiness.
  • Stay In the Present Moment: Practice mindfulness to stay present in the current moment. Let go of worries about the past or future and focus on the now.
  • Avoid Social Comparisons: Resist comparing yourself to others on social media. Your journey is unique, and you deserve to embrace your individuality.
  • Prioritize Your Needs: Take better care of your basic needs. Ensure you get enough sleep, make healthy choices, and listen to your body’s cues.
  • Express Positive Feelings: Share positive emotions with family members and loved ones. Positive connections enhance your overall well-being.
Woman in robe painting her nails.
woman polishing nails as a part of her fall self-care checklist.
  • Make Time for Self-Care: Dedicate time to self-care activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as reading, coloring books, or enjoying a soothing essential oil bath.
  • Follow a To-Do List: Organize your daily tasks with a to-do list. Completing tasks brings a sense of accomplishment and contributes to positive feelings.
  • Perform Good Deeds: Engage in acts of kindness. Performing good deeds not only benefits others but also fosters a positive impact on your own well-being.
  • Limit Exposure to Toxic People: Distance yourself from toxic relationships. Surround yourself with those who uplift and support your journey.
  • Set and Achieve Goals: Set realistic goals for personal growth. Accomplishing these objectives boosts confidence and contributes to becoming the best version of yourself.
  • Consult Mental Health Professionals: Seek guidance from mental health professionals if facing a hard time. They can provide valuable insights and tools for navigating challenges.
  • Reflect on Past Experiences: Reflect on past experiences, learning from them rather than dwelling on mistakes. Growth often stems from embracing life’s lessons.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: Embrace the concept of self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness, especially during difficult times.
  • Take Care of Your Own Needs: Care for your own needs before meeting the needs of others. This approach ensures you have the capacity to give authentically.
  • Celebrate Amazing Things: Celebrate even the little victories. Acknowledge the amazing things you achieve, no matter how small, and give yourself credit.

Remember, self-love is a daily practice that evolves over time. By incorporating these tips into your everyday life, you pave the way for a more positive, fulfilled, and self-loving journey.

woman smiling in self-love.

What are some activities that promote self-love?

If you struggle with showing yourself love, I want to help you by sharing some activities you can incorporate to help you show yourself more love. Many of them are simple ways to effectively focus on yourself and show yourself gratitude for the amazing person that you are. 

  1. Practice deep breathing exercises.
  2. Start a gratitude journal.
  3. Take yourself on a solo date.
  4. Create a vision board.
  5. Try a new hobby or activity.
  6. Disconnect from social media for a day.
  7. Write positive affirmations.
  8. Take a relaxing bath.
  9. Listen to your favorite music.
  10. Treat yourself to a spa day at home.
  11. Attend a yoga or meditation class.
  12. Cook a healthy and delicious meal for yourself.
  13. Declutter and organize your living space.
  14. Go for a nature walk.
  15. Read a book that inspires you.
  16. Learn a new skill or take a class.
  17. Write a love letter to yourself.
  18. Practice mindfulness meditation.
  19. Have a picnic in a local park.
  20. Watch a favorite movie or TV show.
  21. Volunteer for a cause you care about.
  22. Dance like nobody’s watching.
  23. Take a scenic drive.
  24. Explore a nearby museum or art gallery.
  25. Plant flowers or start a small garden.
  26. Treat yourself to a favorite dessert.
  27. Practice positive self-talk.
  28. Go on a photo walk and capture beautiful moments.
  29. Create a self-love playlist.
  30. Attend a live performance or show.
  31. Write down your goals and aspirations.
  32. Pamper yourself with a DIY facial.
  33. Engage in a creative art project.
  34. Try a new workout routine.
  35. Express your feelings through journaling.
  36. Take a day trip to a nearby town or city.
  37. Plan a weekend getaway.
  38. Connect with loved ones through a video call.
  39. Attend a workshop or seminar.
  40. Learn to say “no” when necessary.
  41. Practice positive visualization.
  42. Take a digital detox day.
  43. Try a new type of exercise, like dance or pilates.
  44. Take a power nap.
  45. Create a self-love mantra.
  46. Visit a botanical garden.
  47. Take a scenic hike.
  48. Attend a comedy show for a good laugh.
  49. Set healthy boundaries with others.
  50. Have a cozy movie night at home.
  51. Host a self-love and self-care day with friends.
  52. Write down your favorite qualities about yourself.
  53. Take a class in something you’ve always wanted to learn.
  54. Create a playlist of motivational speeches.
  55. Attend a motivational or self-help seminar.
  56. Cook a special meal for yourself.
  57. Practice a form of art therapy, like coloring.
  58. Learn to play a musical instrument.
  59. Take a digital detox weekend.
  60. Write down three things you love about yourself every day.
  61. Attend a live music performance.
  62. Take a scenic bike ride.
  63. Participate in a local community event.
  64. Try a new, healthy recipe.
  65. Spend time with a furry friend.
  66. Attend a meditation retreat.
  67. Do a random act of kindness for someone else.
  68. Take a day off just for yourself.
  69. Create a scrapbook of positive memories.
  70. Write a letter to your future self.
  71. Take a technology-free weekend retreat.
  72. Try a new form of dance.
  73. Take a scenic train ride.
  74. Visit an art or craft fair.
  75. Create a self-love jar with positive affirmations.
  76. Participate in a charity run or walk.
  77. Take a painting or pottery class.
  78. Join a book club or start one with friends.
  79. Attend a laughter yoga class.
  80. Take a mindful photography walk.
  81. Try a new form of meditation, like loving-kindness meditation.
  82. Write a list of accomplishments you’re proud of.
  83. Plan a self-love spa weekend.
  84. Attend a motivational speaker event.
  85. Take a cooking or baking class.
  86. Have a self-love picnic in your backyard.
  87. Try a new fitness class.
  88. Write a poem about self-love.
  89. Create a list of positive affirmations for each day of the week.
  90. Attend a self-improvement workshop.
  91. Take a scenic boat ride.
  92. Create a self-love playlist of empowering songs.
  93. Take a scenic hot air balloon ride.
  94. Join a support group for personal growth.
  95. Plan a solo camping trip.
  96. Attend a mindfulness and meditation retreat.
  97. Write down positive things that happened each day.
  98. Create a self-love jar with notes of appreciation.
  99. Take a weekend getaway to a spa resort.
  100. Practice positive visualization for future success.
  101. Reflect on your personal growth and self-love journey.

Hopefully, you now have some ideas for ways to focus on self-love. Find the activities that will bring you joy. 


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