Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
The comfort zone is a great place to hang out, isn’t it? Doing what you’ve always done, going where you’ve always gone, eating what you’ve always eaten, and wearing what you’ve always worn is wonderful, right? It’s easy. It’s safe. It’s comfortable. Besides, you can’t mess up if you stick to what you know.
I’m a stickler for schedules and routines. As I’ve told you before, my beloved planner (a paper planner, might I add) is how I maintain my “I’ve got it all together” persona. I’m not much for changing things up. However, I’ve recently decided that I’m about to loosen the grip on my calendar and make room for some spontaneity and newness. A lot has happened in my life in such a short period of time. Heck, a lot has happened in all of our lives in a short period of time. Who am I kidding? I’m sure that a global pandemic coupled with civil unrest made it difficult for most of us to stick to anything that resembled a schedule.
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What does stepping out of your comfort zone mean?
Stepping out of your comfort zone means doing something that is out of the ordinary. It’s pushing yourself to do things that are unfamiliar to you. When you get out of your comfort zone, you challenge yourself to do those things you wouldn’t normally do or that you’ve always dreamed of doing.

What are the benefits of experiencing things outside of your normal routine?
Doing unfamiliar things has some benefits:
- You could potentially meet new people.
- It keeps life exciting.
- You might learn new things.
- Your self-confidence is boosted.
- You’ll be so proud of yourself.
- You will become more resilient.
- New opportunities might come your way.

Why is it so hard to try new things?
Stepping out of the comfort zone is such a bold statement of faith. When you confine yourself to the norm, you may very well be blocking yourself from the blessings that God has for you. My challenge to you today is to try something new. Something different. Something outside of your normal routine. Especially if you are a routine follower, like me.
It’s scary to step out of your comfort zone. It’s supposed to be. It’s different from what you normally do. But, boy, imagine what can be waiting for you when you take that leap!

Caution: Don’t do too much too fast!
Let’s be clear. You need to take baby steps when you’re trying new things. Let me say that a little louder for the people in the back: YOU NEED TO TAKE BABY STEPS. Don’t make too many major changes at once or you’ll need to read my blog post about therapy!
So, take some time and think about that thing that you’ve been wanting to do or try, but you’ve just been too scared to try something outside of your norm. Then, just do it! YOLO!

Inspirational quotes about moving out of your comfort zone
As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal. -Robin S. Sharma
If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. – Jim Rohn
Feel the fear and do it anyway. -Unknown
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. -Wayne Gretzky
Comfort is your biggest trap and coming out of your comfort zone is your biggest challenge. – Manoj Arora
When was the last time you did something for the first time. -Anonymous
Step out of your comfort zone. Leadership begins when you step outside your comfort zone. – Roy T. Bennett
You can choose courage or you can choose comfort. You cannot have both. -Brene Brown
Before anything great is really achieved, your comfort zone must be disturbed. – Ray Lewis
Do one thing every day that scares you. -Elanor Roosevelt
Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things is the best way to grow. -Unknown
I Want to Hear From You
When you take that leap to try something new, make sure to come back and comment below or find me on social media to tell me all about it! I can’t wait to hear from you.

This is an awesome post. It’s my first time checking out your blog and I’m hooked. I pulled out my planner this morning and I’m got to attempt to get reorganized, Covid definitely got me out of my routine of planning out my weeks and attempting to stay somewhat organized.
Now, me stepping outside of my comfort zone would be me letting go completely. LIVING IN THE MOMENT!! Not feeling the need to be in control of everything or trying to solve everything for everyone..
First, thank you so much for visiting my blog! Make sure to subscribe so that you don’t miss a post. I stepped outside of my comfort zone by blogging and podcasting. There are some aspects of it that I’m still not 100% comfortable with, but it feels so good to be trying something new!
Thank you for this!!! I needed to hear the “don’t do too much too fast!” Sometimes things come my way and I feel a need to act on them. Well, from now on I will slow it down. Thanks again. Great read!!
Glad I could help! Thanks so much for visiting the blog again!
Whew!!! You’ve given me inspiration to STEP OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE!! I started sharing photos of my crafting projects/work on Instagram.
Keep the inspiration coming!
So glad that you stepped out and shared your work! You are so talented!
I love this! I have such a hard time getting out of my comfort zone but some of the best things in my life have happened when I did! Thank you for sharing your perspective!
Alyssa –
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I appreciate it so much!