How to Become a More Positive Person
With everything going on in our lives, it can sometimes be challenging to keep a positive attitude. I must admit, though, life is so much better when positive people surround you. It is understandable that, at times, our lives are filled with unprecedented challenges that make being positive a nerve-racking task to accomplish. Let’s talk about how to become a more positive person!
From family and relationship issues to workplace woes, our hope and confidence in handling what’s tough may gradually diminish beyond our control. When this happens, we sometimes allow negativity to enter our minds. These internal commentaries influence our words, actions, habits, attitude, productivity and ultimately decreases our ability to focus on the positive things in life.

But How Can I Be Positive When Everything Around Me is So Negative?
Think back to a few months ago. Twenty twenty was quite a year. As a country, we went through so many changes at one time. Probably the biggest and most impactful change that we had to endure was staying home for an extended period of time. I, for one, didn’t leave my house (except to grab food and necessities) for about ninety days. I know for sure that was the longest period of time that I had gone without going to work or school, to visit family, or even to go on a vacation.
At first, it was pretty cool. I spent time with my family and didn’t have to worry about the pressures of time and outfits and makeup. But, it didn’t take very long for the “fun” to wear off. Our smiles and laughs turned into frustration and agitation. I went from being the person urging everyone to remain positive and hopeful to being the ring leader of the Bad Attitude Club! Seriously, I could have changed my name to Negative Nancy. Even though we had not experienced job loss, hadn’t missed any meals, were still able to pay all of our bills, and had remained healthy during this time, I was filled with so much negativity.
It didn’t take very long for me to realize that my negative attitude was not helping the situation. At all. No matter how much I whined, cried, or cussed, the fact remained the same: we were still (stuck) at home, and there wasn’t a thing that we could do about it. There was, however, one thing that I could change–my attitude.
Taking charge of your life, overcoming negative thoughts, living happier, and becoming a more positive person requires lots of dedication, purpose, and intention. But, it is possible to become a more positive person. So I did. And you know what? Things changed. Almost instantly. I adopted a more positive attitude and outlook and what had seemed like a hopeless situation evolved into the most beautiful time with those I love most.

Why Should I Become a More Positive Person?
According to Forbes, becoming a more positive person improves your overall quality of life. The article adds that being more positive could even increase your lifespan. A study by Today supports this notion. The study found that optimistic people lived on average an 11-15% longer life. That alone is enough to help me to choose positivity as often as I can.
How Can I Become a More Positive Person?
Here are a few practical ways to help you get started on the path to becoming a more positive person:
Surround Yourself with Positive People
The number one rule of thumb in becoming a more positive person is to surround yourself with positive people. Find people who lift you up and inspire and motivate you to be the best version of yourself. Avoid negative people whose contributions will bring more toxicity to your life.
To become a more positive person, you need to carefully choose the type of people you spend most of your time with because you are the sum of their actions, decisions, and interactions.
Stop Negative Self-Thought
Surrounding yourself with positive people is one thing; the thoughts you allow in your head when you are alone are another. It isn’t easy to avoid having negative thoughts or dialogues in your head, but developing the attitude of using positive affirmations can be all you need to feel better about a negative situation.
Here’s an example: Instead of thinking your coworker intentionally ignored your greeting, consider that he didn’t hear you, or maybe he replied to you, but you didn’t hear him. Keep in mind that there is always a positive side to every negative side. Don’t always be so quick to pick the negative thoughts over positive ones.
Practice Gratitude
I know that it’s easy to remember the especially bad days, but try to remember those moments in your life that you can look back and be grateful for.
When you feel low, frustrated, or are in a troubled state of mind, think of those things you are grateful for. Don’t beat yourself up over your bad or negative situations and let shame, worry, anxiety, and pain overshadow the positive things you have going on in your life.
Practicing gratitude is a very powerful step to helping you become a positive person. It will help you extinguish your frustration and sad feelings and help you generate more positivity.
Celebrate Everything
My husband calls me the Queen of Celebration. I celebrate all wins, big or small. Celebrating every step and milestone in your journey will bring you more happiness and motivate you to never dwell on your setbacks.
Instead of waiting for a major day to celebrate, see your little wins and everyday accomplishments as worth celebrating too. This will increase your number of positive moments and leave less room for the feeling of failing at accomplishing a bigger goal or task.

How does this Relate To Self-Care?
Being a positive person is a form of self-care because it helps you to be better able to deal with stress. Becoming a positive person is not an easy task when the world is so full of negativity. However, you can use these suggestions to make an intentional effort each day to choose positivity in every aspect of your life. If you find yourself slipping into negativity, stop, think, and change the trajectory of your day.
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