5 Reasons to Use Your Paid Time Off From Work

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The old proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”  is so true. Working tirelessly, postponing vacations, and not taking paid time off from work can mold a person into a boring, unhappy being.  Working with determination is an amazing trait, but if you neglect your health, your productivity will decrease. That’s why it’s always a wise choice to utilize your paid time off, if your company offers this benefit. When you spend even a short time away from the mental and physical demands of work, you will come back with a clear mind and refreshed energy. Here are five reasons to use your paid time off from work.

If you are a hard worker, it is easy to fall into the trap of believing that your workplace cannot function without you. But, that is simply untrue. Work will be just fine while you are away, so do not compromise your self-care by working to the point of exhaustion.

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Use your paid time off work: woman outdoors smiling.

What is a good reason to use PTO?

Fox Business reported that 26% of workers had a week or more of unused paid vacation time at the end of 2021. While some of those workers got paid for unused days, some did not receive any compensation for the unused days they left on the table.

If possibly losing money that you have worked hard for is not enough to convince you to use your PTO, here are some other good reasons to take time off work:

  • To protect your physical and mental health.
  • To spend some extra time with your family and make memories.
  • To prevent burnout and overwhelm.
  • To travel and do other things that you want to do.
  • To reward yourself for all of your hard work.

What are some other reasons to use your paid time off work?

In actuality, using your paid time off can make you a better employee. Here’s how:

woman sitting at desk looking at laptop screen.

Increased Mental Clarity

If you overwork yourself, your mind will start to take the back seat. Your creativity will deteriorate, your thoughts will be clouded, and your ability to deal with stress and other emotions will decrease. Take a break from work to clear your mind.  

woman smiling and looking at ipad.

Enhanced Productivity

Once your mind and body feel worn out, you will find it more and more difficult to fulfill even simple tasks. You might not lose your passion, but you might lose the determination that keeps you going and fuels you to produce your best work. Think about it. When was the last time when you stepped out of your office for a quick walk?  Something that simple could help you feel revived and boost your energy enough to make it through the day!

woman standing on one leg balancing herself.

Better Balance

Many will argue that it’s impossible, but maintaining a work-life balance is an important element of a healthier, happier life. We are often so caught up in work that we start losing sight of what makes us happy. Don’t invest all of your time and energy in your job, neglecting the people and hobbies that you love. Taking time off work will help you regain the joys in life and let you have fun that you deserve. 

woman sitting at desk trying to focus on work.

Increased Focus

Even if you really love your job, it can still exhaust you mentally and physically. If you take time off work, you can refocus. Being away from work might even spark some new ideas that you might not have come up with had you been in your actual work environment. 

woman and man smiling.

Better Relationships

Taking the time off work helps you to unplug from your job and enjoy much-needed quality time with your family and friends.  This will lead to improved relationships with the people you love the most. 


I hope that you will consider the benefits outlined in this post and make better decisions if you are a person who often neglects taking time off work.  Taking time off work not only benefits your physical and mental health but also your relationships. I know that it’s sometimes easier said than done in some cases, but if you have the ability to do so, step away for a few hours or even a day, if you can.  A short amount of time away from work can make a huge difference in your well being.


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