Best Self Love Movies to Help You Love Yourself More
Self-love is all the buzz these days. Everywhere you look, you see information about what to do to love yourself more. But, do you realize that it’s possible to practice self-love by doing everyday activities like watching a movie? It’s true. And today, I’m sharing the best self love movies that will encourage you to love yourself more!
You may have seen some of these films before, but some of them may be new to you. The theme of loving yourself may be apparent in some of them, but you may have to open your mind to some of these flicks to see the connection. This list of movies is a great go-to when you are looking for a good film for your next self-care day.
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What is self-love?
Self-love is exactly what it sounds like: loving yourself. It is having an appreciation for yourself and caring enough about yourself to take care of your needs. PsychCentral defines self-love as not only how you treat yourself, but also your thoughts and feelings about yourself.
Take for instance this simple question: what do you admire most about yourself? Could you answer that question immediately, or would it take you some time to think about your answer? What about if I asked you to tell me what you love about someone else? I bet that wouldn’t take as long.
That’s because we are typically way more critical of ourselves than we are of other people. That’s not okay. It’s time for us to start showing ourselves the same love that we show to other people.
Take some time to reflect on your good qualities and be proud to shout those good qualities from the rooftops!

How can we treat ourselves well?
Here are some simple ways that you can show yourself more appreciation:
- Replace criticism with acceptance.
- Talk to yourself nicely.
- Set boundaries.
- Let go of perfectionism.

Why is it important to have self-love?
Self-love is important for several reasons. Here are some of the benefits of loving yourself more:
- Increased life satisfaction.
- Positive attitude towards life.
- Less stress.
- Improved confidence.
- Less comparison.
- Better prepared to embrace hardships.
- High self-esteem.
- Overall healthier lifestyle.

How do you develop self-love?
Self-love doesn’t happen overnight. It requires years of you being kind to yourself, making healthy choices, setting boundaries, and following your passions and dreams. The more often that you do these types of things, the more self-love you will have.
To develop self-love, you have to consistently make an intentional effort to do what’s best for you.

What is a self-love movie?
Several movies are made simply to entertain, but some are made to teach valuable lessons about love and life. Simply put, a self-love movie is a movie that helps you learn to love yourself.
Watching movies with underlying lessons can be a great way to do some soul searching and see if there are areas of self-love that you need to improve.

Why is watching movies good for self-love?
There are several reasons that watching movies is good for self-love. One of the main reasons is that watching movies allows you to relax. Self-love movies can also leave you feeling better and may even inspire you to be a better person.
Here are some other benefits of watching self-love movies.
Watching movies allows you to slow down and be entertained.
Usually, when you’re watching a movie, you’re sitting comfortably or lounging in a relaxing position. You’re usually allowing your mind to slow down and be entertained by whatever movie you’ve decided to watch.

Watching movies has a cathartic effect.
Depending on the movie that you decide to watch, you may experience a cathartic effect. Watching a movie can help you release any negative emotions you may be holding on to.
Watching movies improves your mental health.
There are numerous studies that indicate that watching movies is good for your mental health. This article on PsychCentral talks about all the mental health benefits of watching movies.
Watching movies aids in the reduction of stress.
Instead of focusing on your own issues, watching movies allows you to focus on the main characters and events in the film. This may aid in a reduction of stress, even if only for a short while. A good self-love movie can be the breath of fresh air that you need to help reduce some of the stress in your life.

Watching movies brings families and friends together.
Another reason that watching movies is good for self-care is that it brings families and friends together. A family movie night is a great way to spend some time together with the people you love most. It’s also fun to watch a feel-good movie with your best friend.
Watching movies can help you learn something new.
Seeing characters navigate through certain situations can help you through similar situations. You could also learn strategies for communication, different points of views, how to face fears, and so many other things. Movies can often be a great source of education on a variety of topics.
Watching movies can inspire you.
Seeing a character achieve a goal, face a fear, or overcome an obstacle can inspire you to go after your own dreams and goals. One of the best things about a good self-love movie is that it can inspire you to be unapologetic about loving yourself more.

What movies should I watch to encourage self love?
These are my favorite movies for self love. I’ll try to describe them without giving away too much about the details of the movie.
There are several movies that have examples of healthy self-love in them. The movie doesn’t have to be an academy award winner in order for it to teach a lesson or two about loving yourself more. Here are some of the best movies for self-love:
Inside Out
Inside Out is such a fun movie with a great message. The entire story is told through one of the main character’s emotions. This is a great film to help children and adults have conversations about emotions and the role they play in our lives. It’s perfectly normal to experience a variety of emotions. In fact, it can cause more problems if we try to suppress the emotions that we don’t want to feel.
Slumdog Millionaire
A story about Jamal Malik, an 18-year-old orphan from the slums, Slumdog Millionaire has many underlying lessons. One of the lessons learned from this movie is to be thankful for what you have. It’s a great movie about hope, honesty, and persistence. This story of survival will have you more motivated than ever.
Same Kind of Different as Me
Kindness is the theme that comes to mind when I think about Same Kind of Different as Me. In it, a friendship is formed between two very different people. This movie is a reminder to not be too selfish. Though Same Kind of Different as Me is one of my favorite self-love movies, I also love that it sends the message to look beyond yourself and love others, too.
Hillbilly Elegy
The lessons that the main character in Hillbilly Elegy learned throughout the movie are ones of self-love: the importance of taking care of yourself, being persistent, and being resilient. This movie is based on a true story about a young man who rises above a harsh, trauma-filled life to achieve the American dream.
The Pursuit of Happyness
Survival, determination, and never giving up on your dreams are three main themes in The Pursuit of Happyness. Will Smith’s stellar performance in this movie helps to convey several moral lessons in this inspirational movie. My biggest takeaway from the movie is that it’s not enough to simply have a dream. You have to have the determination and grit to make those dreams a reality.
More movies with underlying themes of self-love
The Shawshank Redemption
The Fault in Our Stars
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
Legally Blonde
The Help
Eat Pray Love
The Notebook
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty