How to Handle Mental Health During Stressful Situations

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Taking care of your mental health might sound easy, but stressful situations sometimes make it seem like an impossible task. Stress causes you to ignore how you are feeling mentally and push yourself past your limits. Situations like the current global pandemic make it easier for people to ignore their mental health due to stress. 

At the beginning of the pandemic, I was dealing with grief.  I literally lost my mom just days before the world shut down.  So, I had to dry up my tears long enough to see what in the world was really happening!  In the midst of grieving, consuming hours and hours of information about the pandemic, trying to come up with a plan to keep my family safe and healthy, working from home, and keeping a check on my children’s mental health, I could feel everything spinning out of control very quickly. 

woman with straight face.

I know that many of you can relate to most of the stuff that I just mentioned and I bet you could even add some things to this list that I either didn’t think of or that I didn’t personally have to deal with.  I think it’s pretty safe to say that we have dealt with more stress in the past twelve months than we have before.  At least I know I have!

Despite multiple stressful situations in life, you need to make it a habit to take care of your mental health. Though it might seem difficult to care about mental health during such times, there are certainly ways to make it possible. To make sure your mental health is taken care of, here are some ways to handle mental health during stressful situations in life. 

woman with head down-how to hand mental health during stressful situations.

1. Once a day, make it a habit to check how you are feeling on the inside. 

When there’s a lot of pressure, you often feel like you are on a constant rollercoaster ride. It’s essential that every day, you make it a routine to sit in silence and check how you are doing internally. This allows you to make sure that your mental peace is not being disturbed too much due to the stressful situations in life. 

2. Stay in touch with people that heal your soul.

When you feel too drained due to constant stressful situations in life, you might start feeling like you have no one to help you. Those are the moments when you need to do something to keep yourself away from such negative thoughts.

The best way to handle these thoughts is to be around people who love you. You need to spend quality time with friends and family so you can be distracted from stressful situations in life. They will allow you to relax and smile even during tough times, thus improving your mental health. 

3. Create a daily routine and follow it.

Stressful situations in life can often force you to skip things and ruin the routine you usually have. Having a daily routine allows you to minimize stress. That is a good way to ensure that you don’t compromise your mental health during stressful situations in life. 

Your daily routine allows you to do everything you need to get done and allows you to give yourself spare time for self-care. So, make sure to create a daily routine that allows you to handle stressful situations in life easily

4. Know that it’s okay to ask for help when you feel too drained.

Getting professional help is not wrong – if you feel that your mental health isn’t well, you can always seek a professional to help you. 

There are times when stressful situations in life become too much to handle alone. In those times, remember to take a breath and ask yourself if you want to get advice from someone else. If you do, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone professional. 


We have discussed some ways in which you can take care of your mental health during stressful situations in life. It’s essential to pay attention to your inner feelings and not let things get out of hand when it comes to your mental health. 

I hope that these things allow you to feel confident about your ability to handle stress properly. Use this guide to find mental peace even in stressful situations in life that test your patience. 

Read Next: Activities to Improve Mental Well-Being

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