War Room Journal Ideas to Help Improve Your Prayer Life
Journaling is the process of writing down your feelings to understand them more freely. I love journaling because I can simply dump the thoughts that are jumbled up in my mind onto a piece of paper. You can use journaling for a variety of purposes, including prayer. These war room journal ideas will help you be more intentional as you engage in powerful prayer that can help you get through the trials that life may bring your way or simply practice gratitude for all the amazing things happening in your life.
When you engage in quiet time for prayer journaling, your mind can easily stray to other things. But having strategic prayer time is important. Don’t get me wrong, we know the impromptu conversations with God definitely have their place. But a little intentionality can make a big difference, especially you’re in your prayer room.
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What is a war room?
First, let’s talk a little bit more about what a war room is. I first became acquainted with the phrase from the Kendrick brothers movie War Room. Per the movie, a war room is a space where someone can go for a specific project or task–in this case, prayer.
In the context of business or military operations, a war room is often used to manage crises, analyze data, or develop strategies. That makes it a fitting name for a place to engage in powerful prayer. Many prayer warriors refer to their designated area of prayer as a war room. The phrase has become increasingly more popular in the Christian community since the release of the movie in 2015.
How do you use a spiritual journal?
To use a spiritual journal, a good start is to find a quiet and comfortable space to reflect on your journey. Write down your thoughts, feelings, prayers, and insights. Use your journal as a tool for self-reflection and growth, and refer back to it often to track your progress and find inspiration.
You can also use prompts or templates to guide your journaling practice. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to use a spiritual journal, so make it your own and enjoy the process.
What are some ideas for a war room journal?
Using a journal to create a battle plan for your life is such a great idea. You can use the journal as you have Bible study or as a way to organize your prayer life. Keeping your journal in your war room ensures that you have it handy whenever you have alone time to spend in your prayer closet.
This journal can become a powerful weapon as you navigate challenges in life, when you’re facing spiritual warfare, or when you simply need to show gratitude for the people and things in your life.
Here are some ideas for practical ways you can use a war room journal:
Gratitude journaling
When everything is going right in your life, it’s easy to be grateful. But, when the going gets tough, we can sometimes lose sight of all the blessings we have. When you express gratitude in your journal, it forces you to reflect on the things you have to be thankful for. Gratitude is a great practice for your daily prayer life.
Reflecting on answered prayers
Do you know how many tough days you’ve made it through? All of them! If you’re reading this, you’ve survived all of the bad days that you’ve had. If you take a moment, I bet you can think of prayers that have been answered. Write about those answered prayers and use them as a reminder that prayer works.
Writing out prayer requests for yourself
If you have specific prayer requests for yourself, list them in your journal. That way, you won’t forget those things when you actually have time to spend in your prayer room.
Writing out prayer requests for others
In your conversations with others, you may discover that you want to put them on your prayer list. Use your journal as a place to record those things so you don’t forget to mention the requests as you spend time in prayer.
Meditating on a specific Bible verse or passage
As you’re studying God’s word, you may come across a particular verse or passage that really resonates with you. Take some time to meditate on these verses. Write those verses down in your journal so that you can revisit them later. You might also put those especially profound passages on note cards or sticky notes so that you can see them easily.
Journaling about a particular spiritual struggle or challenge
If you have a particular challenge in your life, write about it in your war room binder. Getting your thoughts and feelings from your head to paper is therapeutic and can help you sort through the feelings associated with the struggle.
Practicing forgiveness and asking for forgiveness
When you’re dealing with hurt and resentment, it can be difficult to forgive someone. Journaling is a great way to think through issues so you can prepare your heart to forgive. Additionally, if you have made a mistake, your prayer journal is a great place to reflect as you prepare to ask for forgiveness.
Writing out a prayer for guidance and direction
Sometimes it’s easier to write something than it is to actually speak it. That’s the beauty of using a prayer journal. You can use the journal to outline or write your personal prayer strategy so that when you’re in the midst of prayer time, you’re using that time focused on the specific issue that you’re working through.
Prayer journaling about a past mistake or regret
One thing you can count on as a human is making a mistake. As hard as we try to do right, we’re bound to mess up from time to time. When you make a mistake, it can be difficult to forgive yourself. Prayer journaling is a great way to deal with your feelings and begin moving on after you’ve messed up.
Journaling about a current worry or fear
If you have something that you’re worrying or concerned about, write about it in your journal. Then, you can reflect on it when you’re in your war room. It’s helpful to have some ideas for how to spend your quiet time so that you’re purposeful with your time.
Writing out a prayer for peace and comfort
Life gets extra chaotic sometimes. In those times, it might be helpful to pay for peace and comfort. Use your journal to write out a prayer for peace and comfort so you’re ready when you’re faced with situations that make you uncomfortable.
Journaling about a recent spiritual experience or revelation
Prayers don’t always have to be asking for something or giving thanks for something. Sometimes you can simply have a conversation about a recent spiritual experience or a revelation you may have had. Spend time in your quiet corner simply reflecting and writing about something that has happened in your life.
Reflecting on God’s faithfulness in your life
If you’re like me, you can’t count the number of times that God has proven His faithfulness to you. Take time to write about a few of these instances in your prayer binder. This will come in handy during those times when things don’t move in your favor as quickly as you’d like them to.
Writing out a prayer for strength and perseverance
One of the most powerful war room prayers is when you’re praying for strength during trying times. When I look back on some of the toughest times in my life, I realize that I made it through because of my faith.
Writing out a prayer for healing
Another great addition to your faith journal is a prayer for healing. When you’re in the midst of illness or pain, it might be difficult to come up with the words to use during your intimate conversation with God. Taking time to write out a healing prayer is helpful so that you have a go-to when you’re in need.
Journaling about a difficult decision you need to make and seeking God’s guidance
Is there an area of your life that requires you to make a difficult decision? Write about it in your journal. Write down your options and take time to write the pros and cons of each option. This is a great way to approach a difficult decision prayerfully as you determine which option is best for you or your family.
Writing out a prayer for renewed hope and faith
Life can be exhausting. Use your journal to write out a prayer for renewed hope and faith. When you feel like you can’t go on, refer to this page and use it as an area of focus while you’re in your war room.
Reflecting on the beauty of God’s creation
When life gets messy, it can be difficult to recognize all the beauty surrounding us. Use your journal to reflect on God’s creations and express gratitude for those creations.
What do you need to create your own prayer space at home?
You can create your own war room at home. This can be your dedicated area to spend time with God regularly. Here are some ideas to create your war room:
1. Find a place that is free from distractions. This can be a home office or even a closet.
2. Decide on your design. While you want this space to be comfortable, keep in mind the purpose of the room.
3. Add inspirational Bible verses or your favorite scriptures on note cards or word art to display.
4. Purchase journals to keep in your war room or create your own war binder with prayer prompts.
5. Download your favorite worship music to your phone to listen to while you’re in your war room. (Don’t use your phone if it’s going to serve as a distraction during your prayer time.)
6. Gather your Bible, pens, highlighters, post-it notes, washi tape and whatever else you might need for your prayer session.
7. Make it your own. Add as many or as few things as you need to spend quality time in prayer regularly.
If you believe in the importance of one-on-one prayer time, creating your own prayer closet will help you remain steadfast to the practice.
What are some prayer prompts to use in your journal?
Here are some journal prompts to help you get started with your prayer journal:
- Write a thank you letter for something in your life that you’re particularly grateful for.
- Write an appreciation love letter to God and tell Him specifically what you’re appreciative of.
- Pick out a favorite verse in the Bible and talk about why you like it.
- Write a prayer for your spouse or other family member.
- Reflect on specific things in your neighborhood that you can pray about.
- Write a list of things you need discernment in.
- Write about something you’re struggling with.
- Pray for peace about something that has been bothering you.
- Pray for a loved one who is battling an illness.
- Write about something that has made you angry.
- Write about recent Bible studies that you’ve done or ones that you’re planning to do.
- Pray for a relationship that needs mending.
- Pray about specific situations that are impacting you or a family member.
- Write about how the power of prayer has impacted your life.
- Write about issues that are impacting the world today.
- Pray for advancement in your career.
- Write about a grudge that you’ve been holding onto.
- Pray for confidence in an area where your confidence has been lacking.
- Rewrite some Bible verses in your own words.
- Pray about something you’ve been feeling guilty about.
- Write about your hopes and dreams.
- Write about some answered prayers.
- Pray for your health.
- Pray for guidance in a decision that you have to make.
- Write about something that you need help with.
As you become more comfortable with the process of journaling, you won’t need prompts. You will use your own life experiences and encounters as inspiration for your prayer journal. The key is to remember that prayer is a beautiful thing and that journaling can help guide your conversations with God.
Love this! I’ve journaled in the past, but not consistently. It definitely brings clarity and helped me cope with issues in the past. I definitely like the gratitude journaling idea and writing out prayer requests for others.
Journaling is my favorite form of self-care. I, too, have found a way to cope with difficult situations from this very easy practice. I’m not consistent either, but when I do, it always helps. Thanks so much for reading. I appreciate you!