Best Self Care Books to Help You Put Yourself First

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Self care comes naturally to some people, but for others, it takes intentional effort to learn to put yourself and your needs first. Learning to prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional needs takes practice before it can be successfully implemented into your daily life. Luckily, there are several self care books available packed with information to get you started to being a better you. Today, I’m sharing some of the best self care books that have helped me learn to make myself a priority.

If you have been wanting to purchase a book about self care, but have been having a hard time deciding which one to get, you’re in the right place. I’m going to share some books with which I’ve had a personal experience and those that have helped me make positive changes in my life.

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My disclaimer about books about self care

There is so much debate about the purpose of a self-help book. By no means do I suggest that you take one particular book and use it as your roadmap for life. No specific book can tell you everything you need to know about yourself and everything you need to do to be a better you.

Self-improvement books help increase self-awareness and can possibly improve your satisfaction with your life. I like to think of self care books as a practical guide that leads you in the right direction when it comes to developing healthy self-care habits.

As you read books, it’s important that you avoid the all-or-nothing approach and that you understand that the pages of one single book can’t dictate your personal journey.

words self care in wood.

What should you consider when purchasing a book about self care?

There are thousands of books about self care in bookstores today. Literally. So, it’s important that you take some time thinking about the book you select. Here are some questions you should consider when choosing a self-care book:

  • Who is the author of the book? Do they have the authority to write about the content they are writing about?
  • What is the book’s focus? You want to ensure the specific issues you struggle with will be addressed in the book. Otherwise, it’s a waste of time and money.
  • Is the format of the book one that will work for your learning style? Don’t choose a wordy book when you would learn better from a guided journal.
  • What do the reviews say about the book?
  • Is this a book that you really want (or need) to read?

Ultimately, you want to spend time reading books that will contribute to good habits and personal growth.

What are some good books about self care?

Best Self Care Books

These books will provide guidance and inspiration while you are on your self-care journey.

The best self-care books are those where people share life lessons to help you as you work to become the best version of yourself. If a book makes you feel worse about yourself, it’s probably not the right book for you. Thankfully, there are so many books available to help you learn the best way to incorporate self-care into your daily routine.

Your self-care journey is uniquely yours and the book (or combination of books) that you choose should help you through the difficult times by providing practical tips and strategies that you can use to find inner peace and live your best life.

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