More Suggestions for Self-Care
If you have followed my blog for any period of time, you’ll know that I am a huge advocate for self-care. So many people neglect taking time for themselves, or they reduce self-care to something that really shouldn’t fall into that category, like taking a bath. Now, don’t get me wrong; I love a hot bubble bath just like the next girl. In fact, I’ve listed bubble baths on a previous list of self-care suggestions. But seriously, we can do so much more to take care of our physical and mental health.
That leads me to my next point. Self-care is not self-care if it’s not something that you like or want to do. You don’t need to settle for what someone else defines as self-care. What looks like self-care for me may actually stress you out. So, it’s important to take some time to thoughtfully compile a list of things that make you feel energized and refreshed and that put you in the place that you need to be to continue doing life.
Sometimes, it’s really hard to think of things that you can do for self-care. Thank goodness I’m here to help you out! Keep reading to find a list of suggestions of things that you can do for self-care.
Self-Care Suggestions
- Binge-watch your favorite television show. (Choose one that makes you feel good.)
- Take a day off work. (And don’t feel guilty about it! Pro Tip: Silence your email notifications for the day.)
- Declutter a spot in your home, like a closet. (I know, I know. Sounds counterintuitive, right? But, it works for me! Sometimes, that messy closet can be the cause of some of the stress in your life.)
- Write a list of things that you are grateful for. (It helps so much to be reminded of the wonderful blessings in your life.)
- Spend some time with people who make you feel good.
Taking time for self-care is so important. I’ll admit that I haven’t always been the best at it, but it gets easier and easier for me to carve time out for myself the more I do it. Self-care is necessary and shouldn’t be seen as something selfish. Take care of yourself! You’re worth it!
Awesome as always! I decluttered a closet yesterday and felt so good afterwards. Thanks so much for the other awesome ideas.
Yes! I’m so glad that you took the time to do something that can have such a lasting effect! I hope you have a great week!
I personally like writing a list of what I am grateful for. Everyone is talking about what self care is. This list makes it simple to identify what self care means to me. Thank you!
Take care of yourself, my friend! Thanks so much for your continued support.