Happy Birthday to Me
It’s April 6! My birthday! If my mom were still alive, she would have already called me on the phone to sing her off-key version of “Happy Birthday” to me. My dad would be in the background to add “You’re growing oooooooold” in a manner that only he could. I would act annoyed because they woke me up, but I’d have the biggest smile on my face. Truth be told, they never woke me up. I was always lying there with my eyes glued to my phone, waiting for their call. Every single time. And it pretty much went that way for all of my adult life. Gosh, I’d give anything to hear them sing to me just one more time.
The excitement that I have surrounding my birthday is nothing new. You can blame my mom for that. She would start the birthday countdown at least 45 days prior to my actual birthday and seldom let too many days (during that 45-day period) go by without making reference to it. That’s another thing that I acted irritated about but secretly loved.
I’m guessing that before she passed away, Mom coached my husband, children, and friends about how birthdays needed to be handled for the rest of my life because they’ve taken the baton and ran with it. They have continued the birthday traditions that my parents had and concocted some new shenanigans that have helped me to continue to have joy on my birthday.
I love celebrating my birthday. I love to celebrate others on their birthdays, too. I think celebrating birthdays is important for many reasons.
Reasons I Love Celebrating Birthdays
To Remember the Day You Were Born.
The day that you entered the world is a special day! There’s no shame in remembering and celebrating that day.
Express Gratitude for Surviving Another Year.
2020. Need I say more? If I’ve never celebrated a birthday, this one will be celebrated for sure! With everything going on in this world, seeing another birthday is certainly something that you should express gratitude for.
Reconnect/Bond with People.
Birthdays have a sweet way of bringing out family and friends that you don’t hear from frequently. Nothing puts a smile on my face like a sweet birthday text or meme or a social media post to honor your special day.
Great Excuse for Self-Pampering.
Birthdays are a great day to sneak in some self-pampering without feeling bad about it. I have a manicure and pedicure scheduled for today and I can’t wait.
Perfect Reason for a Guilt-Free Treat.

This is the one day of the year where you can have your cake and eat it too! You can’t have a birthday without birthday cake, can you?
My birthday will always be very special to me, and I will always celebrate it because I know in my heart that’s what my parents would want. Mom and Dad always made birthdays special for me, and I will keep the joy that they spent 40 years cultivating in my heart to carry me through the rest of the birthdays that I am blessed with!
Happy Birthday to Me!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Your birthday energy is everything!!
Keep making memories and sharing the fond memories of your parents.
The memories are what keep me going. Thank you, my friend!