Expressing Thankfulness During Difficult Times
It’s November. So, it wouldn’t be right for me to let this month go by without creating a list of things I am thankful for, right? I thought so.
Recently, I stumbled across a fantastic podcast called The Upside, which I listen to almost every day. What attracted me to this podcast was that the hosts begin each episode of the podcast by stating something they are thankful for. Some days, they list something big, but most days, they list something small. I love this concept because it practically forces you to find the good in each day and puts the brain on the track of positivity.
I’ve kind of started my own game when I listen to The Upside. After the hosts (Callie and Jeff) state what they are thankful for, I chime in by saying aloud what I’m thankful for. I’ve noticed that despite how bad I think life is right now due to personal tragedies and this global pandemic, there is always something to be thankful for. Always.
Finding the Upside in Every Situation
Here is what I’m currently thankful for.
- Throughout this entire pandemic, I have not missed a single paycheck. Not one. I’m thankful to have a job.
- My immediate family has not been diagnosed with coronavirus, despite exposure. I’m thankful that we have remained healthy.
- My daughter was able to play an entire season of her senior year of volleyball. I’m thankful that she was able to do something that she loves.
- My son was able to return to college to continue his education. I’m thankful that he had that option.
- Though I have had three close family members test positive for Coronavirus, they all recovered and are doing well. (One of those family members was my grandmother, who lives in the nursing home. I’m so thankful that she beat COVID-19.)
- I’m thankful for friends who are more like family. I am blessed with an amazing village, and I don’t take that lightly.
- I am thankful that I’ve lost 31 pounds since March. I’ve been battling with my weight for quite some time, and the quarantine allowed me to get on track with my fitness goals.
- I am thankful that technology allowed us to stay connected to close friends and family during the quarantine.
- I’m thankful for the quarantine. It gave my family some much-needed downtime right after losing loved ones. That time was important for us to connect and grieve together.
- I’m thankful that a dear friend encouraged me to go to grief counseling. It has been an integral part of my healing process.
Always Express Thankfulness
There are so many other things that I’m thankful for. This post could go on for pages and pages. Whenever you are overwhelmed or consumed by difficult times, take a moment to count the things you are thankful for. It will help you to realize exactly how blessed you are.
We can always find a reason to be thankful! I agree about that job part. When it first hit, I had to take a pay cut but got it back later on! 🙌🏾
That is such a blessing! I’m so happy for you!
Whenever I start to feel down or overwhelmed, I try to start thinking of the things I am most thankful for. The things I am thankful for GREATLY outweigh whatever may be causing me issues or stress at that moment. Being thankful for who and what you have don’t make the difficult times go away, but they do provide much needed balance to help you get through.
Yes!! It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the negative. We have so much to be thankful for!
Love this, it’s so important to intentionally make time for gratitude.
Yes! It definitely helps me to keep things in perspective!