Self-Care Tips for Bloggers and Content Creators

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Self-care is taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally. Everyone should be intentional about practicing self-care regularly.  Today, I’m sharing some self-care tips for bloggers and content creators that will help decrease the overwhelm that often comes with the territory. 

I started my blog as a means of self-care for myself after losing my parents and it somehow became a full-blown side hustle. It didn’t take long for me to start experiencing some overwhelm as I tried to keep up with all the things related to content creation. I love writing and really didn’t want to lose my passion for doing something that I love, so I knew immediately I would have to use the advice and strategies that I wrote about on my blog for myself. 

On my blog, I encourage busy women to prioritize self-care. Of course, this information can be translated to any busy woman from stay-at-home mom to corporate professional. But for the purpose of this article, I want to specifically talk about self-care for bloggers and content creators. 

Here are some self-care tips for bloggers and content creators: 

1. Be You

There are thousands of bloggers and content creators out there and all of them have their own definition of the way things should be done and what success looks like. You will go insane trying to listen to all of the noise.  My suggestion is for you to do you! Otherwise, you’ll spin out of control trying to keep up with everybody and everything. 

2. Shift your mindset.

Blogging can get really stressful really quickly if you don’t focus on your mindset. You can go into panic mode when you start thinking about all the things that there are to do: writing, editing, taking photos, editing photos, researching, SEO, how many times to post..all the things. Taking 5-10 minutes to just think rationally (keyword rationally) helps so much. Because what usually happens is you sit and think about all the things and then you end up doing none of the things or very few of the things. You have to shift your mindset so that you can stay on track and focus on getting things done. 

3. Set regular office hours. 

Setting regular office hours to work on content creation is especially important if you create content as a side hustle. To create balance, you need to set specific hours to dedicate to your content so that you can be intentional about creating valuable content. 

4. Schedule a weekly self-care night.

Choose one night a week that you do something for your body or your mind. Make it a fixed day every week so that your friends/family can help you to have this free time. Don’t neglect yourself to the point of burnout. Make your self-care night a part of your regular routine. If you can’t do a self-care night, use whatever time you have wisely. Something as small as a 10-30 minute walk can help you reset and refocus. 

Click here for some great self-care essentials!

5. Plan.

Planning is especially important if you work a full-time job on top of managing your blog. Have dedicated times to work on your blog and stick to that time. Make sure to save some time in your schedule to do other things so that you don’t get burned out on your blog. 

Also, plan what you’re going to do during your work session. Being organized about what you’re going to work on during your work session is an important component of ensuring that you’re getting something done. 

6. Batch create content.

One tip that I received from multiple bloggers is to batch create content! Such a valuable tip. Now, when I create content, I’m already thinking about how many things I can use it for. For example, when I shoot a Youtube video, I can repurpose that for a blog post, a podcast episode, and multiple social media posts. 

7. Schedule your content. 

There are so many apps that allow you to schedule content so that you don’t have to worry about posting things in real-time. Scheduling content helps me be more thoughtful about what I’m going to post, which has greatly improved the quality of my content and increased the engagement on my posts. 

8. Outsource tasks that stress you out. 

Trying to do all the things is one of the quickest ways to stress yourself out. If you have the option of outsourcing some tasks, do it. I suggest outsourcing the tasks that cause you the most stress. You would be surprised how reasonable it can be to get help from a virtual assistant.  There are also many options available for tasks like creating graphics, writing captions, and photo editing on Fiverr

9. Moderate comments on your content (or turn off).

People can be so ugly on the internet sometimes. One way to control the negative and downright nasty comments that sometimes make their way to the comment section of your content is to moderate comments. I receive a notification when someone leaves a comment on my blog and I have the option to approve or trash the comment. 

People are more likely to comment and share your content if the comment section is not full of hateful or offensive comments. If moderating comments seems like “one more thing” for you to add to your to-do list, go ahead and turn the comments off altogether. 

10. Take breaks while you’re working. 

Make sure to take breaks while you’re working. A quick 5-10 minutes to step away when you’re getting frustrated or when you’re drawing a blank can be so beneficial. 

Overcome procrastination and be more productive

11. Exercise regularly

Blogging requires a lot of mental and emotional strength. Exercising regularly is a great way to reduce anxiety and depression, and it also improves your mood. I talk more about the benefits of exercise in this post

12. Give yourself grace.

We are often way harder on ourselves than we need to be. The next time you feel yourself getting frustrated, remember that no one can do all the things. Give yourself grace. 

13. Eat healthy snacks. 

Eating snacks that are packed with vitamins and nutrients is a great way to get the energy that you need to power through your work sessions. Grabbing healthy snacks instead of junk will help you be more productive as you create new content. 

14. Collaborate with other content creators. 

Collaborating with other content creators gives you the opportunity to work with someone else to create content. In addition to potentially reaching a broader audience, you also get a chance to think through ideas with someone else who may have a different perspective. Additionally, you may also be opening yourself up to new opportunities in the future. 

15. Build quality relationships.

Find your people. Being a content creator is tough work and it’s also work that’s not fully understood by lots of people.  It’s nice to have people to supportive relationships along this journey.  Make sure that you’re doing your party to cultivate supportive relationships. 

YouTube video

16. Limit time on social media.

Although social media is an important part of content creation, it can be the cause of so much stress. As you prioritize your self-care, limiting time on social media will allow you to step away from the overwhelm and chaos that sometimes comes along with social media. 

17. Indulge in off-screen entertainment regularly.

Balance is important as a content creator. Since most of the work of content creation involves a screen, it’s important to schedule some off-screen entertainment, too. Stepping away from the screen will allow you time to focus on other things in your life and pay attention to the things that truly make you happy. 

18. Get some sleep. 

This is probably the most recommended self-care tip: get plenty of sleep.  Our bodies need sleep.  When we continue to work and work without getting the proper rest, our bodies and minds respond negatively.  You can’t do your best work if you are not well rested.  

19. Declutter your space. 

Sometimes as bloggers and content creators, we can find our workspace cluttered with planners, books, and other resources. It’s important to stay as organized as possible so that you don’t get frustrated as you work. Taking time to declutter your space regularly will help you to be more productive as you create great content. 

It is easy to get overwhelmed as a content creator. There is so much to do. However, it’s still very important to practice self-care regularly so that you can be your best self. I hope these self-care tips will help you as you work to prioritize your self-care. 

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