My Favorite TikToks with my Daughter
During last year’s quarantine, my daughter and I developed a slight obsession with TikTok. And yes, by “my daughter and I”, I mean me! Seriously, I’d see her dancing in front of her phone and she looked like she was having so much fun! So one day, my curiosity (or maybe it was my boredom) got the best of me. But let me tell you, getting off the couch that day and dancing with my baby girl was such a good decision! We have so much fun making TikToks together (I’m going to leave out the part where she gets frustrated with me when I can’t learn the dances as fast as she can). And, we are making memories that we’ll both look back on fondly. In fact, even my husband and son will have lots of memories, too. They love watching the behind the scenes outtakes. They especially love when we decide to do a TikTok right in the middle of them watching something on television. (insert sarcasm)
Somewhere along the way, I created my own TikTok page and while I love having my own space to “play”, my favorite TikToks are the ones that I make with my daughter. TikTok has proven to be a form of self-care for me because it often leads to smiles and laughter. In this post, I’ll be sharing my favorite TikTok videos that we’ve done.
#5 – Spaz
Okay, so this is one of my early TikToks. This one was especially funny to watch behind the scenes because your girl was on the struggle bus trying to learn it! You can tell that I was trying super hard not to mess up for the 5 zillionth time! I laugh every time I see this one. I probably couldn’t do again (correctly) if you paid me! LOL
@whatcherithinks Fun times with @kaylenfluker ##tiktok ##love ##followme ##momlife ##momsoftiktok ##mommydaughter ##fun ##family @twitchtok7
♬ Spaz – Mr. 2-17 & DRIPPY PRODUCTIONS
#4 – When the Beat Drops
Next up is this When the Beat Drops. My confidence had grown a bit by the time we recorded this one. I was so confident that I made my way up to the front row! And if I recall correctly, it only took 2 million takes for us to get this one right!
@whatcherithinks ##whenthebeatdrops ##momsoftiktokover40 ##mommydaughterduo
♬ original sound – Djs.29
#3 – Golden Girls Theme Song
This is probably my favorite because I didn’t have to learn very much! I grew up watching Rose, Dorothy, Blanche, and Sophia so this song was etched in my head. And after hearing this soulful rendition of the theme song once or twice, I was ready to go! Oh, and Kaylen did no acting here. None. This was all very natural for her. This is how she responds any time I’m working her nerves!
@whatcherithinks ##goldengirlschallenge ##thankyouforbeingafriend ##mommydaughterduo ##girlstime
♬ original sound – Christy Dee
#2 – Bounce it On Beat
This one was really fun. Plus, the beat was pretty catchy so it didn’t take me very long to learn it. Kay didn’t have to crack the whip out too many times for me to get this one right. In fact, I’m pretty sure I have a hilarious outtake where SHE actually messed up. We laughed about that for a long time!
@whatcherithinks Bouncing on beat! Post-game shenanigans with @kaylenfluker ##whatcherithinks ##mommydaughterdancing ##turnmeup2
♬ original sound – SmerfetTe21🦋
#1 – Flex (Cupid)
Who doesn’t love a good line dance? Again, I probably liked this one so much because it was relatively easy to learn. I love songs that tell you what to do when you dance. It makes things so much easier.
@whatcherithinks Flex. @kaylenfluker ##whatcherithinks ##mommydaughterduo ##merrychristmas2020
♬ Flex – Cupid
Well, there you have it. My favorite TikTok videos with my daughter! As with any other thing, there are definitely negatives associated with TikTok, but we have shaped it into something positive for us. We have decided to weed through the bad and find a way to have fun and make memories!
Which one of these is your favorite? Leave your choice in the comments below!
If you’re on TikTok, follow me at WhatCherithinks.

#5 Spaz is for sure my favorite but I love them all! So cute!
Awww! Hey, Tyesha! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I definitely had a lot of fun doing that one…when I finally got it right!! LOL
I love them all but I will go with Golden Girls!!🥰
That one was so fun! You know we love to put our own spin on songs! LOL
You know I love y’all tic toks but #2 Bounce it on Beat is my favorite!
Thanks! That one was fun! I thought I was doing it! 🤣😂